Binary Multi-Level Marketing [MLM] Plan for Magento - Documentation

Server Requirements

As you know this system is in Magento Ecommerce, The Magento2 Ecommerce has a few system requirements.
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements: Check All System Requirement here. Check Requirement Here

How To Install?

Please Follow the steps :

  • Extract the zip file and copy all files and folders and paste to your website root folder.
  • Open Termainl or CMD and enter to project root folder.
  • Run Following Command in terminal.
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    php bin/magento cache:flush

Plan Setup

Plan Settings Steps :

  • Go to Settings if first user is register then you will directly jump on general settings otherwise you have to create first user.
    1. Fill all given fields.

    2. Username --> Enter your username.
    3. Password --> Enter the password.
    4. Confirm password --> Enter the password that is same as filled in password.
    5. Email --> enter your valid email.
    6. First name --> enter your First name.
    7. Last name --> enter your Last name.
    8. That's Done!!

    General Settings

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Plan Configuration > General and update general settings for defaults.

      General Configuration

      Order Status : when order is placed and order status changed to selected status them user become paid and sponsor and parent’s commission will be generated.

      Level : is maximum number of level user can get level commission.

      Pair Counting Based On : Which Users type, your want to be considered for pair commission.

      Macthing Counting Based On : Which Users type, you want to be considered for matching commission.

      Pair Left Users Count : How Many users should be in left leg for one Pair.

      Pair Right Users Count : How Many users should be in right leg for one Pair.

      Min Withdrawal : minimum amount you can withdrawal for each request.

      Max Withdrawal : maximum amount you can withdrawal for each request.

      Withdrawal Fee Amount : withdrawal processing fee amount for each request.

      Withdrawal Fee Type : withdrawal processing deduction type (percentage/fixed)

      Eligibility Configuration

      Min Left Direct Referral : Minimum Direct Referrals in left leg.

      Min Right Direct Referral : Minimum Direct Referrals in right leg.

      Note : users who have fullfilled these condtions will be Eligible for payout.

      Payout Configuration

      Company Commission Amount : Compnay Commision amount on each order

      Company Commission Type : Company commision amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of order amount's percentage will be count as company commission amount.

      Company Commission : company commision is the commision that root memeber of the network will get commission based on configuartion by each order

      Join Commission Amount : Join Commision amount for first order

      Join Commission Type : Join commision amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of order amount's percentage will be count as join commission amount.

      Join Commission : join commission is the commision that get to the new registered user one time only when joined the network. it is discount to new memeber but in the form of commision

      Affiliate/Referral Commission Amount : Affiliate/Referral Commision amount for first order

      Affiliate/Referral Commission Type : Affiliate/Referral commision amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of order amount's percentage will be count as referral commission amount.

      Affiliate/Referral Commission :It is commision to the sponsor based on configuration but only one time when the first order is placed by the direct downliner

      Pair Commission Amount : Pair Commission Amount for each pair

      Pair Commission Type : Pair Commission Type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of order amount's percentage will be count as pair commission amount.

      Pair Commission :It is commission to the user based on completed pair count.

      Carry Forward Remaining Users for Pairing ? : if yes then childs/referrals who not counted in pair, will be considered in next payout, else will lapsed.

      Matching Commission Amount : Matching Commission Amount for matching total order amount on left and right leg.

      Matching Commission Type : Matching Commission Type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of order amount that matched, percentage of that amount will be count as matching commission amount.

      Matching Commission :It is commission to the user based total order value from childs/referrals weeker (less order total) leg.

      Carry Forward Remaining Amount for Matching ? : if yes then amount which is left from stronger leg will be counted in next payout, else will lapsed.

      Service Charge Amount : Service charge deduction amount for each payout.

      Service Charge Amount Type : Service charge amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of commissions and bonus's percentage will be deducted as service charge amount.

      TDS : TDS amount

      TDS Charge Amount Type : TDS amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of commissions and bonus's percentage will be deducted as tds amount.

    Level Commission

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Plan Configuration > Level Commission and update level commission settings for defaults.

      Level Name : Label of Level

      Amount : commision amount.

      Commission Type : commision amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of order amount's percentage will be count as level commission amount.

    Bonus Settings

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Plan Configuration > Bonus setting and update bonus settings for defaults.

      No. of Pairs : mininum required pairs.

      Amount : bonus amount.

      Comm. Type : bonus amount type (percentage/fixed), if percentage then total of earned commision's percentage will be count as bouns amount.

    Email Settings

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Plan Configuration > Email Settings and update email settings for defaults.

      From Name : from name for binary plan related emails.

      From Email : from email for binary plan related emails.

      Email Templates Settings : we have created default templates with template variables, please create new templates using them and change the content of template as you wish and assign the new template instead of default template. to create a new template go to Marketing > Email Template.

    Enable Binary Plan For Websites

    • After updating default plan settings, go to website settings in which you want to run binary mlm plan and enable binary plan from Stores > Configuration > Binary Plan Configuration > general.

      Enable binary plan : set "YES" to enable plan for website. (Must Select any website from scope menu.)

      Note : website settings may be different from default settings.

    Create Binary Plan Product

    • To make product a binary products, just enable is binary plan product option true,

    That's Done for Basic Settings !!

    Create First/Root Customer

    • To create First/Root Customer go to Letscms Binary Plan > Create Root Customer, Here you can create first/root customer for binary plan.

    Run Payout

    • Before Run Payout admin can check payout commissions from Letscms Binary Plan > Payout Commissions
    • Before Run Payout admin can also check payout bonuses from Letscms Binary Plan > Payout Bonuses
    • Admin can also check totals of commisions and bonuses on run payout page.

    Note : Don't Forgot to select website each time whenever checking payout details or running payout. !!


    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Genealogy , here Admin can check tree view of binary customers

    Customer Report

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Customer Reports, here list of Customers with few fields and filter functionality
    • To check customer info click on view button from customer row, here you can check customer info and other info like referrals, transactions, withdrawals, payouts etc.

    Payouts Report

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Payout Report here list of Master Payouts with totals of commisions and bonuses.
    • To check customers payouts click on view List button from payout row, here you can check list of customers payout.
    • To check customer payout details click on view details button from payout row, here you can check customers payout full details.

    Withdrawals Report

    • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Withdrawals List, here list of withdrawals with filter options.
    • To update status of withdrawal click on update status button from withdrawal list row.

    Front Screenshot

    • All the screenshot from front end app to check front end functionality.


    • Lets register a user that is user2
    • then Placed an order from user2 with binary product (Juno Jacket, size:xl, color:green) worth of $1000
    • After order completed, i created 6 users (user8, user10, user11, user12, user13, user14) under user2 as referrals.
    • From user8 Placed an order with binary product (test binary product) worth of $1000
    • From user10 Placed an order with binary product (test binary product) worth of $1000
    • From user11 Placed an order with unilevel product (Juno Jacket, size:xl, color:purple) worth of $1000
    • From user12 Placed an order with unilevel product (test binary product) worth of $1000
    • From user13 Placed an order with unilevel product (test unilevel product) worth of $1000
    • From user14 Placed an order with unilevel product (Juno Jacket, size:xl, color:purple) worth of $1000
    • as you know this is binaryplan so all 6 users can't be join directly, so all 6 referrals has been placed on different postions under user2
      user2's referrals placement can be seen in genealogy
    • After completed all users orders we can check for order commissions of user2
      From General Settings
      Company Commissions : 10%
      (only root user will get this from every order) Join Commissions : 10%
      (only for first order) Affiliate/Referral Commission : 10%

      From Level Settings
      Level 1 Commission : 10%
      Level 2 Commission : 5%
      Level 3 Commission : 2%
      Join Commissions from first self order = $1000*10% = $100

      Affiliate/Referral Commissions
      user8's order = $1000*10% = $100
      user10's order = $1000*10% = $100
      user11's order = $1000*10% = $100
      user12's order = $1000*10% = $100
      user13's order = $1000*10% = $100
      user14's order = $1000*10% = $100
      Total Affiliate/Referral Commissions = $600

      Level Commissions
      level Commision will be calculated from all the childs up to max levels (3) levels, for max level check General Settings
      from user4's order Level 1 = $1000*10% = $100
      from user5's order Level 1 = ($1000*10%) * 10 = $1000 (user5 placed 10 orders worth of $1000)
      from user8's order Level 2 = $1000*5% = $50
      from user9's order Level 2 = $1000*5% = $50
      from user10's order Level 2 = $1000*5% = $50
      from user11's order Level 2 = $1000*5% = $50
      from user12's order Level 3 = $1000*2% = $20
      from user13's order Level 3 = $1000*2% = $20
      from user14's order Level 3 = $1000*2% = $20
      Total Level Commissions = $1360

      Pair Commissions
      for pair commision we need to calculate total pairs, as you know 2 left and 1 right referral (2:1) will be count as one pair, check General Settings
      as you know there are 6 referrals, we can see in genealogy that user8, user12, user13, user14 are in user2's left leg and user10, user11 in right leg so, total referrals in left = 4
      total referrals in right = 2
      total pairs = 4:2 / 2:1 = 2 pairs
      then total pair commision will be :-
      total of all 6 referrals first order amount = $6000
      pair commission = $6000 * 10% = $600

      Matching Commissions
      from pair commsion : -
      total referrals in left = 4
      total referrals in right = 2
      all 6 referrals not placed 2nd order so matching amount will be 0
      so matching commission for this payout will be 0

      Total commisions of u1 = $100 + $600 + $1360 + $600 = $2660

    • After running payout Compare Commisions on payouts After Comparing payout commisions with calculated commisions we can say that, All Commissions are correctly distributed

      From Bonus Settings
      2 pairs : 10%
      3 pairs : 5%
      5 paird : 2%

      as you know user2 have 6 referrals, and they are making 2 pairs, so user2 will get 10% of total commisions

      Total bonus = $2660*10% = $266
      Total Earnings = $2660 + $266 = $2926

      Let's Check for deductions
      From Payout Settings
      TDS Deduction : 5%
      Service Charge Deduction : 5%

      Tds deduction = $2926 * 5% = $146.3
      Service Charge = $2926 * 5% = $146.3
      as we can see TDS and Service Charges has been deducted correctly

      So Total Amount credited on your wallet will be :
      Total credited amount = $2926 - ($146.3 + $146.3) = $2633.4

    • Lets check for wallet balance on dashbord
    • Lets Create a Withdrawal request
      From General Settings
      Min Withdrawal : $100
      Max Withdrawal : $15000
      We can only request amount between min and max limits and also we make can't request more then Available Balance
      Where Available Balance = wallet balance - processed amount
      Where processed amount is already requested amount which is pending
    • When Withdrawals request success it will reflected in transactions and dashboard
      Thats all for basic example!!!
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