Server Requirements
As you konw this system is in Wordpress CMS. The Wordpress CMS has a few system requirements.
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP 7.4 or greater
- MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater
- Nginx or Apache with mod_rewrite module
- HTTPS support
Plan Setup
Plan settings steps :
General Settings
General settings steps :
- Register Users to FMW during checkout --> if you checked this option then user can regiter during checkout process.
- Redirect After Registeration --> Select the page where normal user will redirect after registration.
- Affiliate user Redirect Page --> Select the page where affiliate user will redirect after registration.
- Network Width --> is maximum number of referrals can be join directly under a single person.
- Network Height --> is maximum number of level user can get level commission.
- Withdrawal limit --> Enter the withdrawal limit , how much money your can withdrawal, and update settings.
- Licence Key --> Please paste your licence key here.
Fill all given fields
That's Done!!

Payout Settings
Payout settings steps :
- Commission Type --> If you select plan on point base then you will see this input box in payout settings, this is use to convert the price value from point value.
- Company Share --> Amount that will go to company.
- Referral Commission --> Amount that will to go users sponsor.
- Initial Pairs --> Set the number of initial pair you want.
- Level * Commission --> Amount that will to go users parents according to network height.
Fill all given fields
That's Done!!

Bonus Settings
Bonus settings steps :
- click on add row to create a new regular bonus slab.
- Minimum No. Of Direct Referral --> required to get bonus of current slab.
- Maximum No. Of Direct Referral --> required to get bonus of current slab.
- Amount type -->
- Fixed : a fix amount will be given to user.
- Percent :Sum of user’s referral and level commission percent that can’t make greater then MAX AMOUNT
- Max Amoun --> If Amount type is percent then it will use as maximum regular bonus.
- You can add multiple rows of bonus slabs.
- Delete will be disabled after any one user bonus will be generated with respective slab.
- Update settings.
Fill all given fields
That's Done!!

How can i check User Reports?
Go to fmp > User Report. Here you will see user reports listing with total comissions, bonuses and deductions.

- Action : Here you will find the button. click on this buuton to cheack particular user report.
- Personal detail : Here you will find the all personol detail of user.
- Company commission : If this user is company then you can see companay commision .
- Level commission : Here you can see level commision of user.
- Join commission : Here you can see join commision of user.
- Referrel commission : Here you can see referrel commision of user.

How can i check Payout reports?
Go to fmp > Payout report. here you will see master payouts listing with total comissions, bonuses and deductions.
- To view details of payout click on action button, here you will see the user's payouts with their total commissions, bonuses and deductions.
- To view user's payout details click on action button, here you will see complete details of that users payout.

Registration steps :
- username--> Your username should be unique otherwise it will return an error.
- First Name--> Enter your first name.
- Last name--> Enter your last name .
- Password--> Enter your password.
- Confirm password--> Enter your confirm password , password and confirm password should be match otherwise it will return an error.
- Address--> Enter your Address here.
- Email--> Your Email also should be unique otherwise it will return an error.
- Sponsor name--> Enter your sponsor name, sponsor is a person who refer you in this plan.
- Mobile no.--> Select your country phone code and enter your mobile no. and click on get otp to verify your number.
That's Done!!

User Dashboard
User Dashboard :
- Affiliate URL : at top user’s Affiliate URL is shown with copy button.
- User Summary widgets:.
- Total direct referrals
- Total Referral Commission
- Total Level Commission
- Total Regular Bonus
- Total Paid Amount
- Total Unpaid
That's Done!!

Direct referrals and payout List.

Withdrawal Requests with status and remark column.

Referrals orders listing.